Class MetaInfoExcelModel

  • @ExcelSheet("Sheet1")
    public class MetaInfoExcelModel
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class has been implemented to be used as a mapping object for an Excel document to load meta information for database entities.
    • Method Summary

      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • rowIndex

        private int rowIndex
      • entityId

        private java.lang.String entityId
      • repository

        private java.lang.String repository
      • seoUrl

        private java.lang.String seoUrl
      • seoName

        private java.lang.String seoName
      • seoTitle

        private java.lang.String seoTitle
      • seoDescription

        private java.lang.String seoDescription
      • seoKeywords

        private java.lang.String seoKeywords
      • textOnPage

        private java.lang.String textOnPage
      • canonicalLinks

        private java.lang.String canonicalLinks
      • additionalLinks

        private java.lang.String additionalLinks
      • seoBreadcrumbTitle

        private java.lang.String seoBreadcrumbTitle
    • Constructor Detail

      • MetaInfoExcelModel

        public MetaInfoExcelModel()