Class SearchManagerServiceImpl

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.util.List<GroupFilter> listFilters()
      This method collects all the list filters from the vendor's listing ID
      java.util.List<GroupFilter> listFilterValues​(java.lang.String filterId)
      This method collects all values from filter
      GroupFilter listingFeatureFromAttribute​(java.lang.String filterId, java.lang.String sellerSkuId)
      This method retrieves a feature for specific listing
      java.util.List<GroupFilter> logicalFilters()
      This method collects all the boolean filters from the vendor's listing ID
      java.util.List<GroupFilter> numericFilters()
      This method collects all the simple filters from the vendor's listing ID
      java.util.List<GroupFilter> numericFilterValues​(java.lang.String filterId)
      This method collects all values from filter
      java.util.List<GroupFilter> rangeFilters()
      This method collects all the range filters from the vendor's listing ID
      java.util.List<GroupFilter> rangeFilterValues​(java.lang.String filterId)
      This method collects all values from filter
      co.mastermindcms.modules.beans.SearchResponse search​(java.util.LinkedHashMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> requestAsMap)
      This method does search requests and returns data as pages.
      private co.mastermindcms.modules.beans.SearchResponse searchFull​(co.mastermindcms.modules.beans.SearchRequest request)  
      private co.mastermindcms.modules.beans.SearchResponse searchLimited​(co.mastermindcms.modules.beans.SearchRequest request)  
      java.util.List<GroupFilter> simpleFilters()
      This method collects all the simple filters from the vendor's listing ID
      java.util.List<GroupFilter> simpleFilterValues​(java.lang.String filterId)
      This method collects all values from filter
      private java.lang.String wrapQueryToMatchOperation​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> queryMap)  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • mongoTemplate

        private mongoTemplate
      • mapper

        private static final com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper mapper
    • Constructor Detail

      • SearchManagerServiceImpl

        public SearchManagerServiceImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • search

        public co.mastermindcms.modules.beans.SearchResponse search​(java.util.LinkedHashMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> requestAsMap)
        Description copied from interface: SearchManagerService
        This method does search requests and returns data as pages.
        Specified by:
        search in interface SearchManagerService
        requestAsMap - search request as map
        database entities separated to pages
      • rangeFilterValues

        public java.util.List<GroupFilter> rangeFilterValues​(java.lang.String filterId)
        Description copied from interface: SearchManagerService
        This method collects all values from filter
        Specified by:
        rangeFilterValues in interface SearchManagerService
        filterId - filter object identifier
        the list of all filter values
      • listFilterValues

        public java.util.List<GroupFilter> listFilterValues​(java.lang.String filterId)
        Description copied from interface: SearchManagerService
        This method collects all values from filter
        Specified by:
        listFilterValues in interface SearchManagerService
        filterId - filter object identifier
        the list of all filter values
      • simpleFilterValues

        public java.util.List<GroupFilter> simpleFilterValues​(java.lang.String filterId)
        Description copied from interface: SearchManagerService
        This method collects all values from filter
        Specified by:
        simpleFilterValues in interface SearchManagerService
        filterId - filter object identifier
        the list of all filter values
      • numericFilterValues

        public java.util.List<GroupFilter> numericFilterValues​(java.lang.String filterId)
        Description copied from interface: SearchManagerService
        This method collects all values from filter
        Specified by:
        numericFilterValues in interface SearchManagerService
        filterId - filter object identifier
        the list of all filter values
      • listingFeatureFromAttribute

        public GroupFilter listingFeatureFromAttribute​(java.lang.String filterId,
                                                       java.lang.String sellerSkuId)
        Description copied from interface: SearchManagerService
        This method retrieves a feature for specific listing
        Specified by:
        listingFeatureFromAttribute in interface SearchManagerService
        filterId - filter identifier
        sellerSkuId - listing identifier
        the value of listing feature
      • searchFull

        private co.mastermindcms.modules.beans.SearchResponse searchFull​(co.mastermindcms.modules.beans.SearchRequest request)
      • searchLimited

        private co.mastermindcms.modules.beans.SearchResponse searchLimited​(co.mastermindcms.modules.beans.SearchRequest request)
      • wrapQueryToMatchOperation

        private java.lang.String wrapQueryToMatchOperation​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> queryMap)